Maintenance Tips After Polishing a Concrete Garage Floor
Your polished concrete floor will last for years to come – if you take proper care of it. Key takeaways Polished concrete is an excellent choice for a residential or commercial garage Promptly cleaning the floor and maintaining it will ensure
Bada Bing Bada Basement – How to Make This Space Special
That room downstairs doesn’t have to be drab. Explore some concrete basement floor ideas to make these surfaces spectacular. Key Takeaways: You'll have many options when changing up your concrete basement floor Sealing or coloring the concrete gives it more appeal
How to Make a Concrete Floor Look Like Terrazzo
Epoxy terrazzo can be poured directly over an existing surface, provided that the base substrate is structurally sound. Key Takeaways: Terrazzo flooring looks great but is expensive It's possible to install terrazzo epoxy over a concrete floor The result is a
Polishing Ideas: When Is the Best Time to Polish Concrete During a New Build or Renovation?
Following some concrete polishing best practices ensures your floors are as durable and beautiful as possible Key Takeaways: Polishing concrete floors involves following some standard practices The timeline for polishing a surface depends on whether it’s a renovation or a new
An Overview of Concrete Defects and What You Can Do About Them
Surface defects can arise for several reasons, but a solution is usually available Key Takeaways: Concrete defects can have various underlying causes These causes include old overlays, moisture, stains, and improper color application Determining the cause can help develop a solution
Maintenance Best Practices for Polished Concrete
Check out these tips on how to maintain polished concrete maintenance and keep it looking great for years to come. Key Takeaways: A polished concrete floor is a great investment for a home or business for a home or business Completing
Wet Polishing vs. Dry Polishing: Which Is Best for Your Concrete Floor Project?
Both polishing methods have pros and cons worth exploring before you begin Key Takeaways: Wet polishing and dry polishing use different processes The wet polishing process takes longer and creates a matte finish Dry polishing is faster and leaves a shinier
Concrete Surface Profile: What the Numbers Mean
The coating you’re using determines the CSP number you need to attain during the preparation process Key Takeaways: Concrete surface profile numbers relate to the floor’s roughness Lower numbers are smoother, and higher numbers are coarser Different coatings require different CSP
Top Concrete Finishing Trends in 2022
Concrete’s perennial popularity is carrying it strongly through another year. Catch up on how it’s being used to make spaces something special. Key Takeaways: Concrete finishes can combine amazing durability with designer looks Indoor and outdoor surfaces can become stylish and
5 Ways Polished Concrete Floors Can Help Brighten Your Space
Key Takeaways: Polished concrete floors are a great way to brighten up your space Thanks to their high light reflectivity, they can help amplify incoming light and reduce the need for artificial lighting This cost-efficient flooring enables you to conserve